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It seems to refer to the more active partner in a male homosexual homosexual act see also Rom 1:27 1:27 1 Tim 1:10. “those who bed males,” may be Paul’s own coinage, for no earlier occurrence of the term is known. Sodomites, Greek arsenokoitai, Greek arsenokoitai, lit. There the rather queer NRSV translation refers to “male prostitutes” and “sodomites” but the note explains: Male prostitutes, adolescent boys who sold sexual favors to older males or, more generally, the more passive male in a homosexual homosexual act. Keck encourages us to look further for More Light and encouragement in 1 Cor 6:9. So if you maintain Bible, 2011-2012 dialogue with fundamentalist friends who refuse to believe in evolution, you might encourage them to contemplate the evidence from the translations and study Bible notes on the clobber texts, perhaps starting with the totally negative RSV (“homosexuals” in 1946) and the NIV note on Romans 1:26-27. So far as I know, Keck’s Keck’s friendly note in the new HCSB has no precedents in previous previous study Bibles cf James Edwards’ longer and more hostile note in The New Interpreter’s Study Bible, 2011- 2012 (Nashville: Abingdon, Abingdon, 2003). For details on the authorities I have inserted in Brackets, see my “Romans” in The Queer Bible Commentary (London: SCM, 2006 USA distributor Westminster John Knox) and my review of Robert Jewett’s Romans in the Hermeneia series, Fortress Press, 2006 ). 25) is deliberate: moral confusion follows idolatry, as Jewish thought had long maintained (see Wis 14:12). The repetition of the word exchanged (see v. It is questionable whether Paul thought of homosexuality homosexuality as a condition or a disposition (see 1 Cor 6:9). unnatural means “unnatural for them”) others that he condemns pederasty (sexual activity between adult men and boys). Keck’s note on Romans 1:26-27: Some think that Paul here condemns homosexual acts by heterosexual people (i.e. Probably the most welcome feature of this prestigious new study Bible by the Society of Biblical Literature is Leander E.

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The The Harp Harpe er Collin Collins s Study Bib Bible le, Revised Edition, Harold W.

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